Ensuring the Functioning of Society in Activities of Local Governments Under the Legal Regime of Martial Law

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educational and Research Institute of Law

The scientific article is devoted to the study of the activities of local self-government bodies during the period of martial law in ensuring the functioning of society, characterization of the concept, competence and features of local self-government bodies, and types of local self-government bodies. The article examines the scientific and regulatory approaches to defining the most important functions of local authorities, in particular, ensuring the constitutional rights and security of citizens. Local self-government during the period of martial law faces many challenges on a daily basis. That is why this topic is extremely relevant and requires scientific substantiation and research. The decentralization reform has laid the foundation for the activities of competent local governments. However, the unjustified military aggression has changed the usual rhythm of work of regional and district councils, as well as local authorities. The peculiarity of this legal regime is the creation of temporary state bodies, including military authorities. They operate in parallel with autonomous local governments. However, there are cases when the military administration can assume the powers of local self-government bodies if the local council does not meet on time.

Local self-government in Ukraine is a right guaranteed and enforced by the state and a territorial community - a voluntary association of residents of a village, villages or several villages, cities - to address local issues within the limits determined by the current legislation, may be formed independently or subordinated to officials and self-government bodies. Local self-government is designed to strengthen the foundations of the constitutional order of Ukraine, ensure the implementation of constitutional principles, human and civil rights, create conditions for meeting the vital needs and legitimate interests of citizens, and develop local democracy. During the legal regime of martial law, military authorities exercise the powers of local state authorities and part of local self-government bodies, as defined by the current legislation. Therefore, the role of local state authorities and local self-government bodies in ensuring the quality functioning of society is very important.

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