The water resources of Zhytomyr region are an important national asset, the condition of which affects people's health, economic development and the "good" environmental condition of the region. The current state of water resources in Zhytomyr region is of some concern due to a number of challenges, including: water pollution with organic materials, nutrients and toxic elements due to incomplete or no wastewater treatment, leaching of pollutants from agricultural land and plastic waste. The challenges also include limited access to quality drinking water in some regions, underdeveloped water supply and sanitation systems, unregulated water consumption and violations of water protection regulations, and hydromorphological changes related to hydropower and water flow regulation, including problems with coastal protection zones and water protection zones, as well as the effects of climate change, including floods and droughts.Taking this into consideration, conducting a SWOT analysis for the use and conservation of water resources in Zhytomyr region gets a particular relevance. The purpose of the study is to conduct a SWOT analysis that will not only allow a deeper analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the regional water management system, but also to identify potential opportunities for improvement and risk reduction. The SWOT analysis will serve as the basis for developing strategies that will promote the conservation and rational use of water resources, strengthen the environmental well-being of the region, and ensure sustainable economic development and public health in Zhytomyr Region.
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