This article is an attempt to interpret the architectural decoration of the
Sieniawski Palace (Medzhybizh, 16th century) and typologically related monuments of
Eastern European castle and sacred architecture in the context of Protestant
symbolism. Attics of a specific type are considered as a characteristic typological
The Medzhybizh Fortress complex has several buildings with attics. The
differences between the types of «early Renaissance» and «Polish» attics are given, on
this basis the genesis of the attics of several buildings in Medzhybizh Fortress is
analyzed. It is impossible to exhaust the explanation of this stable phenomenon by
purely decorative motives. The artistic ideology of the Renaissance gives a specific
symbolic meaning to each artistic or architectural object and makes it a certain
worldview declaration, which is written in the language of harmony of parts,
proportions, forms, individual details. Therefore, it is logical to consider the hypothesis
that the attic of the Sieniawski Palace in Medzhybizh is also such a worldview message.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the hypothesis about the symbolic
significance of the details of the decoration of the attic of the Sieniawski Palace. The
expediency of separating the three-pointed tooth of the early Renaissance attics into a
separate type is substantiated. For the first time, the symbolic significance of corner
vases of various geometric shapes in the early Renaissance attics of Medzhybizh
Fortress and Eastern Europe is analyzed. Simultaneous use of three-pointed teeth with
corner vases of several geometric shapes in one attic is characteristic of several
monuments of castle and sacred architecture of Eastern Europe, and most of all of
Slovakia and Medzhybizh. The combination of these architectural signs in one building
is observed in areas where in the XVI century the Reformation had a strong influence.
Therefore, the semantics of these architectural symbols, according to the author,
should be sought in Protestant symbolism.
In the case of specific localities, there may be a link between the construction of
attics of this type and the establishment of Protestantism in these regions. Also,
comparing the architectural evolution of the palace in Medzhybizh with the adoption
of Protestantism by the Sieniawskies family and its subsequent return to Catholicism,
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it is possible to clarify the boundaries of the construction periods of the Medzhybizh
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