In this article we examine the figure of the military engineer, geometer,
architect Pierre Rico de Tirregaille (Tirrgaille, French Pierre Ricaud de Tirregaille, Ricaud
(Ricaut, Ryko) Pierre de Tirregaille (Tirgaille)). The years of his activity (about 1725 - after
1772) are relatively well known to researchers. But his biography remains unknown, except
for the period of activity in the Commonwealth. Analysis of the results of previous research
has shown that scientific research has been conducted in several areas. The first area
includes research on biographical information about the architect. The second area
includes studies on various projects that Pierre Rico de Tirregail commissioned.
Manuscripts and graphics are important sources for finding out about Pierre Rico de
Tirregail and his design work. They are stored in the archives of Warsaw, Krakow, the
National Heritage Institute in Warsaw and the National Library of France in Paris.
Pierre Ricaud de Tirregaille was born around 1725 in a French noble family in the
district of Tiregale in Provence. His professional education was improved in Barcelona
under the guidance of engineer Francis Ricode de Tierreagil. In the territory of the Polish–
Lithuanian Commonwealth he worked from 1752 to 1762. We distinguish three periods in
the activity of the architect: I - Warsaw (1752–1757), II - Lviv (1757–1760) and III -
Warsaw (1760–1762). Most orders were received by the architect from several magnate
families: Branicki, Potocki, Mniszeck, and others. The first mention of Pierre Rico de
Tirregail's stay in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth dates back to 1752, when he
received the rank of lieutenant in the infantry regiment of the Grand Crown Hetman Jan
Kliment Branicki (1689–1771). In the architect's portfolio were included: the project and
management of installation works on the water supply of the garden and menagerie in the
city of Bialystok, the project of the palace with a garden in the city of Krystynopol, the
palace in the village Pespa, a project of the Palace Chatsky-Felinsky in Lviv, a project for
the modernization of the palace for Anthony Bielsky. Probably, the palace garden for the
Greek Catholic Metropolitans in Lviv and the palace with a garden in Krakovets are his
work as well. Pierre Ricaud de Tirregaille also made a detailed plan of the city of Warsaw
on a scale of 1:1000 between 1762–1763. After an eleven-year stay in Poland, Pierre Rico
de Tirregail moved to Berlin. In Berlin, he received a position in the military engineering
corps and a position as a teacher at the court of King Frederick II of Prussia. In 1772, in
Potsdam, he published a numismatic treatise devoted to Rossian medals of the eighteenth
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