Lviv Polytechnic National University

The main task of visual inspection of an architectural object is to collect information
about its current state and identify architectural peculiarities. Since the research information is
obtained directly at the site of the study, which is characterized by a short period of time, – the
operational fixation of information is a critical element. For this task, a method of visual inspection
of the structure was formed, presented using the example of castles in a state of long-term ruin,
including preliminary preparation for leaving to the research object, step-by-step instructions for the
survey process and recommendations for processing and storing data later.
A visual inspection of a castle in ruins requires careful preparation. First of all, you should
familiarize yourself with the historical, bibliographic and iconographic base of the architectural
object and form its construction chronogram. You should prepare a plan scheme with marked objects,
where you will indicate saved, lost and emergency areas, and mark the change of masonry, the
number of loopholes, etc.
It is also recommended to prepare a text card of the visual examination, which will include
the name of the investigated volume, short pre-collected information and free space for recording the
examination results directly on the site. It is necessary to have a meter tape measure, a camera, if
possible, a laser rangefinder and a drone.
Since the route of the visual inspection is often quite chaotic, you should have another printed
plan-schema to record the progress of the research. This manipulation will be helpful when you have
to understand a few hundred photos.
After processing the data in office conditions, a file which is called “Map of visual inspection
of the castle in a state of long ruin” is formed.
The castle-ruin reflects in its structure about six centuries of human history. Its research will
be relevant for a long time, since funding for architectural monuments is extremely limited, and
destructive processes are constantly ongoing. Given the versatility of the castle’s architectural site in
a state of long-term ruin, visual inspection can be an excellent learning experience for restoration
students. The study of the object of research contributes to the understanding of its potential and the
emergence of ideas for its revitalization.

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