In this small-research study, the public spaces of the historical centres of three resorts of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Yaremche, Tatariv, Vorokhta) were localized, their morphology and existing condition were analyzed, and architectural and town-planning elements were identified. Particular attention is paid to identifying the historically formed structure of spaces, their state of preservation, typology and uniqueness. All structural elements (existing ones and lost ones) were identified with the help of cartographic analysis, iconographic analysis and field surveys.
The spatial organization of the researched resort areas represents a linear structure characteristic of mountain valleys. Following the terrain, the urban structure developed along the main road, which was laid along the Prut River. From the second half of the 19th century, this system was supplemented by the Transcarpathian railway.
In the process of the field research, in addition to the inventory of discovered architectural objects, several historical spatial structures were localized, mostly neglected or lost today. During the research, two principle urban planning structures of different scales were identified:
• the first is traced in the structure of historical public spaces of squares, streets, and promenades;
• the second space was formed directly in the surroundings of significant complexes, sanatoriums, and boarding houses.
The article examines the first planning structure in more detail.
Theoretical models of public spaces for the identified three resorts were developed, in which the typological affinity and the presence of such basic architectural and town-planning elements as historical villa buildings, promenades, resort parks, beaches, etc. were recorded.
All basic elements are grouped around one or more communication axes.
It was defined that the development of public spaces of resort settlements can be adjusted in accordance with resort and recreation requirements, modern needs of users, taking into account their historical structure with the use of revalorization/revitalization methods.
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