: 70-83
Lviv polytechnic national university, Department of Architecture and Conservation

The subject of this article is the signs of integrated development and the reasons for periodic success of historical cities of Ukraine. Downtowns from different settlements in size and function was included in this article: Chernihiv, Lyubech, Baturyn, Romny, Chyhyryn, Motovylivka, Nizhyn. They testify that the tradition of integral development of the center of historical cities of Ukraine is ancient. City self-government and tycoons in different ways took care of safety, production and trade infrastructure, qualitatively improved the public space of market squares. The inner cities of the historical cities of Ukraine developed individually, had different goals and opportunities, used separate resources and tried to achieve similar results - a harmonious socio-economic environment. Unfortunately, thorough destruction of the space in the middle of the historical cities of Ukraine occurred as a result of the aggression of moscow-russian troops during the 17th and early 21st centuries. In conclusion, it was noted that the logical direction of long-term development of Ukrainian historical cities is the analysis and reproduction of historical and urban traditions, active implementation of revitalization projects and restoration of tangible cultural heritage. The article uses methods of structural analysis of spatial characteristics of planning and functional-territorial features of the downtown, processing and sampling of information in literary and archival sources. The purpose of the study is to determine the signs of integrated development of the downtown of historical towns of Ukraine. 

In the center of Chernihiv, none of the aspects of the functional use of territories (economic, political, social and military aspects) became dominant over the others. In Lyubech downtown represents the idea of a cultural palimpsest and the expansion of architectural and urban planning spaces during the end of the 16th and 19th centuries. In Baturyn, an ambitious plan for the development of the capital city center, which was destroyed by russian troops, is presented. In Romny downtown was formed as a result of the strategic planning of the settlement center. In Chhyryn downtown reveals the idea of a strong and developed capital of Hetman Ukraine in the second half of the 17th century. In Motovylivka downtown represents the principle of the military direction of the development of the settlement. In Nizhyn downtown is an example of a compact urban environment focused on economic growth and the establishment of ideals of self-government.

The results of the study are important for the expansion of knowledge in the history of Ukrainian urban planning and the crystallization of town identity. In the future, it is worth continuing scientific research on the architecture of lost sacred, palace, and administrative objects, and performing archaeological research on the line of downtown fortifications.The results of the study can be used in monument protection activities and practical work on the regeneration of central part in the historic towns of Ukraine.

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