Understanding of formative and historical processes is basic for the comprehensive approach to the regeneration of historical city quarters, those of the ancient Jewish ghetto of Lviv in particular. According to archaeological and scientific urban studies, theneighbourhood started its development as part of the princerly “posad”, having an ancient Volyn road trading route as one of its forming factors (which survives to this day). Through the centuries jewish community has organically grown here, forming a unique ensemble of residential, religious and public buildings which naturally integrated in the spatial-planning structure of the city as it grew. One of the most prominent structures was the Great Suburban Synagogue (XVI cent.) which was the centre of ghetto’s life and spatial structure. Degradation of historical urban matter of the ghetto was caused by the tragedies of WWI and WWII, which also obliterated ghetto’s social basis and absence of any further practical and public re- consideration for the spatial-planning and historic background of the neighbourhood. Today, most of its blocks have remained a gray zone in the structure of the city center for more than 70 years. Disregard for the ghetto’s formation history and cultural background resulted in inconsistency of realised development approaches and interventions and general public unawareness of the district’s role in the history of the city. The author conducts research and visualizes the characteristic stages of the ghetto’s development, as well as the formative factors that determined it, taking 3 neighbouring historical quarters within its bounds as a basis for study. With this work, author aims at During the research, on-site study and measurements were performed, archival materials and historical iconography were analyzed, modern research works on the history of Lviv and Halychyna were analyzed too, and the obtained information was summarized. As a result, development of the historical quarters of the Jewish suburban district was characterized and structured from princerly times to present day while highlighting the quarters’ architectural and spatial-planning value.
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