Exhibition work in the activities of the museum

: pp. 13 - 17
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyses essence and features of expositional work as important direction of museum activity, conceptual principles of museum exposition and its role in study and maintainance of historical and cultural legacy and elucidation of forward development of humanity.

The conception of modern expositional work, the important problem of which is aspiration to save and strengthen public meaningfulness, personal interest, actuality and popularity of museum establishments among visitors, appears gradually on the basis of creative reinterpretation of the newest regulations of museum practice. The idea of exposition transforms in such realities as something inviolable and permanent in time.

Expositional work is one of directions in museum activity, basic essence of which consists in changes of project of exposition, installation and dismantling of expositions, leading of exposition renewal, supervision of the state of exposition, organization of thematic exhibitions, conducting of current expositional documentation.

Expositional work in museums was always in a spotlight, as it is closely connected with other types of scientifically research activity. Thanks to expositional work there is a maintainance and exploration of historical and cultural memos, which are a component part of national historical and cultural legacy. It helps to create the notion about the past with the help of exhibits. Exhibits carry out the role of informative mediator between the past and contemporaneity.

Due to expositional work the major functions of modern museums are realized: cognitive and informational, the function of making popular, educational-elucidative. It helps to form sense of pride for our glorious past and foster sense of responsibility for the future, enables to modernize the forms of museum communication with the purpose of effective influence on development of society.

Exposition plays an important meaning for expressiveness of museum language. It can emphasize, logically underline separate objects or rich in content blocks of the exhibited material, strengthen emotional accents. The rules of exhibiting are a code, that allows to construct content. A purpose, possibilities, facilities and conditions of mastering of reality meet in the model-form of museums expositional work, that are cognitive and evaluative, communicative, motivating and efficient aspects of expositional work.

Efficiency of expositional work is based on generalization of former expositional experience and using of modern experimental methods and informational technologies — computerization of funds, creation of databases, museum sites, enhancement of informing and communicativeness of museum exposition. During experiments, prototyping and computer design is widely used, that allows to find out the most optimal variant of expositional solution. The creative using of different new methods of expositional work, skill of expositional artistic design, helps without theatricality and formalism with all evidentness to uncover big graphic power and uniqueness of exhibits, their co-operation and integrity, beauty of material, enables a spectator to get to the features and essence of exposition, deeply understand its artistic bases and aesthetically beautiful structural features.

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