An analysis of contemporary views on the circumstances surrounding the inclusion of the lands of the bank of the Dnister River in the Kievan state. It was established that the stage of final subordination of the Western tribes of Rus to Kiev was initiated even under Prince Svyatoslav. This was due to the advancement of Pechenegs in the forest-steppe zone. Convergence of the places of the Pechenegs with territories under the control of Kyiv was recorded by Konstantin Bagryanorodny. The scientific theory was analyzed in which the nomads could smack the steppe enclaves in the forest steppe in the upper reaches of the Goryn and Sluch Rivers, as well as in the eastern part of the Dniester River (part of the Volhynia to the north of the upper part of bank of South Buh River and the area of the Pantalich steppe on the right bank of the Zbruch River. The tribes of the streets, the Derevlyans and probably one of the branches of the Volyn region were ruled by a hypothesis about the devastation of the nomads of the region of the Middle part of Dniester River. It was discovered that the complete desolation of territories between the Galician principality and the nomad they were not there.
In connection with these hypotheses, the distribution of a number of categories of moving archaeological monuments of the IX–XI centuries is considered, which testify to the presence of the prince’s wife in the territory of the bank of the Dnister River and their comparison with the data of written sources. Different aspects of the possible dependence of these lands on the tribes of ancient Hungarians and Pechenegs at the moment of formation of the Kiev state are analyzed. The conclusion is grounded on the need for a more thorough study of monuments of IX–XI centuries. in the bank of the Dnister River and Eastern part of Karpaty Moutain, in particular, the largest in area in the ancient settlement of Stil’ske.
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