: 103-112
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The main algorithms for monitoring the quality of traffic in mass service systems (MSS) were examined in the paper, which is aimed at ensuring the stable and efficient functioning of various types of systems, such as telecommunication networks, Internet services, transport systems, etc. The main aspects of monitoring, such as the assessment of throughput, delays, and packet loss, which affect the quality of user data processing (QoS), were analyzed. The features of various approaches to determining the quality of service were determined, depending on the specifics of the work of the MMS. Monitoring the quality of service is a necessary component of managing complex systems, which allows to ensure the quality of service for users at the appropriate level. The use of various monitoring methods, both active and passive, allows to effectively control the quality of service, which contributes to the effective operation of network services. One of the effective tools for active QoS monitoring is the measurement of quality parameters by generating test packets followed by an analysis of their passage through the network. The TWAMP (Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol) algorithm was investigated in the paper, which allows for more accurate measurement of packet delays and losses in mass service systems. A modified QoS monitoring algorithm based on TWAMP was proposed, which combines a hybrid approach, adaptive tuning, intelligent anomaly detection, and prediction to ensure more efficient and accurate network monitoring. An experimental study was conducted, the results of which demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the quality of user service, increasing the accuracy of detecting anomalies in the operation of the MMS. Also, the modified algorithm ensured a lower probability of failures in the operation of mass service systems, thus increasing their overall productivity. Based on the conducted research, conclusions were drawn about the advantages of the proposed TWAMP-based monitoring algorithm for solving the problems of identifying anomalies in the operation of the MMS, reducing the probability of failures and failures in their functioning. It was determined that the proposed approach is relevant for use in modern information and communication systems of various types to improve the quality of user service. The modified algorithm can be used in MSS to improve the level of QoS.

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