: 141-150
Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Modern navigation equipment should make it possible to determine in real-time the location of a ground-moving object (NRA) and the direction of its movement. To solve such problems, the equipment of consumers (AS) of satellite radio navigation systems (SRNS) is widely used. However, a number of circumstances, such as traffic in tunnels, and forests, within dense urban areas, the presence of natural and man-made radio interference, do not provide continuous reception of information from the necessary grouping of navigation Satellites. Therefore, for continuous navigation, NRAs are supplemented with autonomous navigation tools. In recent times, inertial means of autonomous navigation have been widely developed. The introduction of MEMS technologies and devices that combine microelectronic and micromechanical components has made it possible to create a wide range of small-sized sensors, such as accelerometers, angular velocity sensors, gyroscopes, and magnetometric sensors. The development of microwave technologies has made it possible to create small-sized radar sensors, which determine the further development of odometric navigation tools. Radar sensors play a special role in collision avoidance systems for NRA movement in columns and in conditions of limited optical visibility. Creating autonomous navigation systems based on such sensors is an urgent scientific and technical task. Radar meters based on the Doppler effect are all-weather and round-the-clock tools for a comprehensive system technical solution to this problem. The Doppler sensitivity of the meters significantly depends on the frequency of operation of the receiving and transmitting equipment, the maximum of which is reached in the millimeter frequency range. Taking into account the circumstances mentioned above, as well as the relatively high price of radar equipment, an important scientific and practical problem is the maximum unification of technical solutions for the construction of meters, namely: the choice of circuitry, element base and materials; development of test methodology, composition of spare tools and devices, operational documentation. An analysis of the tasks solved by radar meters of NRA motion parameters for their autonomous navigation and for ensuring traffic safety in columns and on rough terrain, namely, the prevention of collision with obstacles in conditions of limited optical visibility, was carried out. Radar methods of autonomous navigation and collision avoidance are analyzed, their disadvantages and advantages are indicated, proposals for solving the issues of improving the accuracy and noise immunity of radar meters are formed.

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