On the approximation of land surface in the computerised methods of working out contour lines

Zakład Geodezji i Fotogrametrii Wydział Inżynierii i Kształtowania Środowiska Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego

The relief is one of the main elements of maps needed for enginerring design purposes Photogrammetric and computer methods allow to elaboration such maps quickly. In recent years an intensive development of automatization in elaboration of contour lines occurred. The computer methods of elaboration contour maps are presented. It follows from the investigations that the methods which take into consideration correlation between terrain points are more universal. The digital terrain model (DTM) methods enables to include quickly the needed data into the engineering designing The application of photogrammetric methods, besides of automatyzation the proces of map elaboration, make possible quick supply to the designer of detailed and timly information on the terrain in the form of photogtaphic picture.

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