Experimental cartographic modeling of dynamics of landslides areas according to geodesic observations

: pp. 69-78
Received: February 13, 2014
Lviv Polytechnic National University; The National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Lviv Polytechnic National University
State enterprise "Rivne State Research and Production Enterprise of Geodesy and Cadastre" (SSPE "Rivnegeocadastre")
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Aim. The aim of the paper is the development of methodological positions and practical recommendations concerning experimental and cartographic modeling of dynamics of active landslide area on the basis of serial geodesic measuring on it. This approach will allow examine more in detail the nature and status of landslides in the geospatial environment. Methodology. On the basis of serial results of the geodesic observations a landslide it is offered the methodology of creation of cartographic models, namely: 3D-model of territory with causing of landslide movement direction, model of displacement of earth surface and, on the basis of such models and their modification to determine the surface of slip displacement. Such methodology gives an opportunity to create the comprehensive cartographic model of estimation of the state of landslide body. Results. It is received the cartographic model of landslides area. For verification of assurance of this cartographic model were used materials of the engineer-geological pioneering concerning the depth of slip surface. According to our researches the depth of the slip surface on this surface was from 1,2 to 3,0 m. According to results of the engineer-geological pioneering (4 cleft) the depth of the surface of slip displacement differed to 0.47 m. Such results confirm the assurance of our model, and, especially, the depth of slip surface. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that the creation of cartographic models of territories with the active processes of landslide by means of experimental cartographic modeling on the basis of the geodesic measuring is a new problem, which will give an opportunity to investigate the landslide body in space and time, and taking into account quality descriptions (engineering soils, ground water, vegetation, etc.) – and epistemological point of view. Practical significance. Using methodology of creation of cartographic model of shift the earth's surface in space and time using quantitative and qualitative indicators of observations, it is possible to execute in a complex with engineer-geological, geomorphological, geohydrology, meteorological and other researches the sufficient estimation of status of the landslide body on any territory with a future prognosis. Such researches have complex and systematic approaches in relation to the decline of threats posed by landslides.

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