Autochton of the north-western Сarpathians – geological structure and hydrocarbon potential based on the results of integral interpretation of geological and geophysical data

: pp. 59 - 61
Received: July 30, 2013
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas;LLC "SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL FIRM" BIPEX LTD "
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas;LLC "SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL FIRM" BIPEX LTD "
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"
West-Ukrainian Geophysical Intelligence Expedition State Geological Enterprise "Ukrgeophysics"
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; West-Ukrainian Geophysical Intelligence Expedition State Geological Enterprise "Ukrgeophysics"
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"; Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the NAS of Ukraine; West-Ukrainian Geophysical Intelligence Expedition State Geological Enterprise "Ukrgeophysics"
Scientific and Technic Company "DEPROIL LTD"

Purpose. The aim of the presented research was to analyze the problem of increasing the hydrocarbons resource base in Carpathian region by means of poorly explored deeply buried sediments of flysch formation in Folded Carpatians and Precarpatian foredeep. Relevance of conducted study concerning deep autochthonous sediments complex is caused by discovering Lopushna oil field in the underthrust of Pokuttya-Bukovyna Carpathians. Methodology. The research was performed by creating a spatial integral seismic-gravity model of northwestern part of Carpathian oil-and-gas bearing province. Computer software based on the “Technology of integral interpretation of complex gravimetric and geological-geophysical data” was used for modelling. This technology is based on the analysis and realization of different geological and geophysical information: integration of one-dimensional - 1D, two-dimensional - 2D and three-dimensional - 3D data within a unified geological and geophysical model. The technology provides presenting geological environment by structural model, that reflects deep structure of the geological cross-section; and continuous geo-density model, which depends on such characteristics as age of rocks, lithology, porosity, clay volume and saturation ratio. Results. The heterogeneous spatial geo-density model of northwestern part of Carpathian oil-and-gas bearing province was gained as a result of performed modelling. The model is absolutely consistent with all input data and its parameters reflect the characteristics of the deep geological structure of the investigated territory. The results of geological interpretation of spatial integral geo-density model allowed singling out four separate perspective areas where sediments with improved reservoir properties are distributed within the autochthonous formation of the north-western Carpathians. A forward quantitative estimation of predicted oil and gas potential was also performed. Originality. The scientific novelty of obtained results is the studying of spatial behavior of geo-density properties of autochthonous sediments in northwestern Carpathians. Practical significance. The research results allowed to identify and justify the priority areas for geological and geophysical exploration activities aimed at the development of oil and gas potential of deeply bedded autochthonous sediments within the investigated region. In order to clarify the deep geological structure of the section it was recommended to conduct detailed seismic and gravimetric surveys. 

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