Purpose. Safe and reliable exploitation of underground gas storages (UGS) involves monitoring of the vertical displacements of the earth’s surface of gas storage. For the operation of underground storage people construct the gas compressor station, which serves to discharge and sample the gas from the reservoir bed through the exploitation wells, which are directly related to gas-compressor plant through the appropriate technological equipment and gas flow-lines. In the process of studying vertical displacements of the earth’s surface of underground gas storages there is a problem to develop forecasting models of these processes. This forecast model should reliably reproduce information about the state of the forecast object. Number of indicators of this information should not be too big, but with reliable degree of accuracy to display the value of processes and phenomena that interest us. Methodology. The methodology is based on the analysis of geodynamic processes results on underground gas storage facilities. Application of this methodology requires a detailed study of geodynamic processes on the UGS in order to establish common patterns of these phenomena and processes. Results. As a result of researches it was determined that the displacements of the earth’s surface and the borehole are completely adequate to physical processes associated with the technological exploitation of gas storage facilities. That is, when the gas is pumping the storage`s roof rises, while taking away – falls. Scientific novelty. Performed detailed researches of geodynamic processes that allow to reveal basic patterns of vertical displacements of the earth’s surface, depending on the location of the observation points, as well as on constructions of these points. On the basis of executed researches are developed forecast models of displacement of different points of the earth’s surface of underground gas storage facilities. The practical significance. Researches can solve the problem of using engineering and geodetic data in order to determine vertical movements of the earth’s surface and safe exploitation of technical equipment of UGS.
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