On the use of the set of geodetic networks for the surveying of land boundaries

: pp. 48-58
Department of Geodesy, Lviv PolytechnicNational University, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”

Aim. Development of land use on land allocation in settlements of Ukraine is the most common and popular types of work on land management. For quality of their performance in the design of the boundaries of land in urban areas to date need to use the actual topographical plans scale 1:500. To perform tacheometric removal and installation of the geodesic (renewal) boundaries of land created by film basis. Thus, the interval between the two types of minor works. Also, this work may be performed simultaneously if land allocation performed by the actual placing of buildings, fences and more. Tacheometric removal and geodetic delineation performed according to instructions. Obviously, that would be established rationally planned filming network for removal tacheometric used for surveying delineating land. Thus, there is a problem of a routine imaging network that would meet the requirements for accuracy of operating instructions for the implementation of these activities. Methods. To address the reduced goal the analysis and comparison of the requirements of all applicable instructions for the accuracy of building networks tacheometric film removal and installation instructions (recovery) of land boundaries in nature (on ground). Also reviewed publication of our scientists and other states on this issue. Systematized requirements for accuracy laying theodolite moves, building on topographic plans harsh contours, buildings, structures (surface and underground utilities, which is especially important in urban areas, where the built up areas of their large number). Results. Based on analysis of legal acts of Ukraine stipulates that tacheometric removal may be simplified leveling theodolite moves, excluding errors starting point. It also enables hanging theodolite moves to four. However, nothing is said about the calculation of the mean square error of hanging traverse points and taking into account the mean square errors of the main points traverse. Also found that crew tacheometric basis for removal of inappropriate and, in general, can not be used for surveying installation (coordinate) rotation angles boundaries of the land, as it makes it impossible to determine the coordinates of corners of turns boundaries of land with a precision that is regulated by the applicable regulatory acts of Ukraine. Scientific novelty. As a result of the current state of the research problems raised proposals on the sequence of its decision. Proposed to use "partly forgotten", the classic method of calculating precision geodetic network elements, enables an individual approach to the development of measurement techniques in each case common or individual works on tacheometric removal of land surveying and setting its limits. The practical significance The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that two types of jobs will be created a film scheduled basis. As a result, coordinates turns corners and boundaries of land under its area will be calculated with an accuracy that meets current guidelines and, if necessary, more precisely.

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