Exploring the accuracy of lengths constructions when solving the engineering geodesy issues with RTN method

Received: February 16, 2017
Department of Engineering Geodesy, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Purpose: This study assumed: experimental determination of the accuracy of measuring relatively short distances, typical for performing survey, planning and marking engineering geodesy works using a dual frequency GNSS receiver under different conditions of observation, and using RTN-technology on mountain area of the Precarpathian region. Methodology: To investigate the accuracy of measuring short distances, seven experiments that differed in mutual position of permanent stations and physical geographical conditions of outside conditions were performed. To minimize the sporadic errors and increase the accuracy of obtained results, the investigation in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk was made on the inherent basis, which allows the forced centering of tools. The special aspect of this basis is that it is situated very close to the permanent station (10 km). Observations were made in RTN-mode with the receiver accepting differential alterations from the System Solutions network. Results: Results of the study are: obtainment of range accuracy depending on mutual positions of System NET network points; based on testing of the hypothesis about equality of general dispersions of two normally distributed groups, that are receiving an optimum quantity of necessary measurements when building lines areless than 200 m long. Scientific novelty and practical significance: It was defined, that the accuracy of building vector’s designation with a GNSS receiver under different conditions of observations is always higher than the accuracy of coordinate’s designation with the same device; the methodology of bases exploration under different conditions of observation was developed; the optimum quality of necessary measurements on the station in order to provide the given accuracy of results was established; the average square error of line length measurement, which depended on geometry of their location permanent stations.


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