Assessment of environmental conditions within the limit of the riparian water protection strips using the WEBGIS technology

Faculty of Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre, Technical University of Moldova
Faculty of Constructions, Geodesy and Cadastre, Technical University of Moldova

Abstract. The goal of this research is the assessing of the current conditions of water protection strips in their role as an effective buffer that prevents water bodies from deteriorating due to soil erosion and pollution. In base of this study the action plan is developing to improve the conditions of the water protection strips for the lakes. The  approach focused on the idea of an empirical study (based on observations and field measurements) on the environmental quality. Is proposed an integral analysis of the territory of the protection strips, the processes and phenomena taking place within them, in order to obtain a clear picture of the state of the environment. In the scope to administrate, and to assure the visualization and transparency of this study the project blog on the "" platform was created with properly configured geographic interest patterns. Cartographic data were published on Google Maps and integrated in blog. Thus, by accessing the blog, the views of the lake, the points of interest, with the necessary attributes is accessing with the possibility for the spatial analyses. The preliminary results show the positive effects and high interest of the stakeholders concerning of WebGIS technology for the assessment of environmental conditions of water protection strips along the Costesti- Stinca reservoirs. Scientific novelty consists in the optimal combination of the blogspot application on the google maps by integration of spatial data with different software (QGIS, Mapinfo, ArcGIS) and geospatial database - PostGIS. Easy to publish, to visualization and monitoring. The practical significance is expressed by objective reflection of a type of activity that takes place in space, including environmental phenomena, vizualisation and monitoring of them.

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