Goal To investigate the influence of force parameters of bakery cutting process on cutting productivity and equipment capacity. Actuality of the work is to optimize energy costs and increase the durability of equipment. Method The technique is that the analysis of the force parameters of the cutting process was performed using experimental studies, on the basis of which a mathematical model of the cutting process was built by the method of a complete factorial experiment. Results. A mathematical model of the technological process of cutting with the help of a full factorial experiment is constructed and the influence of force parameters on cutting productivity and equipment power is analyzed. Scientific novelty. The influence of force parameters on productivity and quality of technological process of cutting of bakery products is confirmed. The mathematical model of the process of cutting bakery products has been improved. Practical significance. The study of the influence of force parameters on the specific cutting force allowed to optimize the process, reducing energy consumption and ensuring maximum productivity of the cutting process. The obtained results can be used to design new equipment.
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