Optymizatsiia tekhnolohii naplavlennia znosostiikykh shariv na ploski elementy konstruktsii [Optimization of technology of surfacing wear-resistant layers on flat structural elements]

: pp. 103-107
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The influence of the profile, surfacing on the formation of the weld by automatic submerged arc wire with powder brand CW80Cr20B3Ti. As a result, design of experiments established the relationship between the geometric dimensions of the seam and the depth of penetration of current value and welding speed. The resulting optimal mode of deposition used in forming the roller for extra vibration substrate. Wear resistance of deposited metal wear under conditions not fixed and fixed abrasive shown that additional vibration substrate when surfacing in conjunction with the settings mode allows you to get the minimum dissolution of weld metal of the primary and enhances durability 1.5 times.

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