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Vol. 50, 2016
Vol. 50, 2016
In this Number
(14 papers)
Justification of parameters of the vibratory hopper feeder with an electromagnetic drive
Oleksii Lanets, Roman Kachmar , Volodymyr Borovets
pp. 54-76
Comparative analysis of the resonant vibro-impact two and three-mass structure systems with linear friction
Volodymyr Gursky
pp. 25-32
Model i metod rozrakhunku poperechno-kutovykh kolyvan bitumo-shchebenevoho ahrehatu z rozihritym ridkym bitumom [Model and calculation method for transverse-angular oscillations of bitumen crushed stone aggregate with hot liquid bitumen]
Igor Vikovych
pp. 9-18
Kolyvannia kiltsevoho elektromahnitnoho vibrokavitatora rezonansnoi dii [Oscillations of the ring’s electromagnetic resonance vibratory cavitator at the resonance mode]
Igor Vikovych , Liliya Shevchuk, Orysia Strogan
рр. 19-25
Vibronavantazhenist rizbovykh ziednan u konstruktsii sivalky [Vibration loading of threaded connections in the construction of the seeder]
Bohdan Diveyev, V. Opalko, G. Cherchyk
pp. 33-45
Rozrakhunok nadzemnoi dilnytsi mahistralnoho truboprovodu na stiikist [Stability calculation for aboveground stations of pipeline]
Іhor Kuzio, Olga Kunta , Yevgen Kharchenko
pp. 45-53
Investigation of influence of inclination angles of sail-type blades on the starting torque of horizontal-axis wind-wheel
Vitaliy Korendiy, Yurij Furdas , O. Bushko
pp. 83-93
Zabezpechennia tekhnolohichnoi mitsnosti zvarnykh stykiv obsadnykh trub [Ensuring the technological strength of welded joints of casing pipes]
Andrii Dzyubyk, Igor Nazar, Liudmyla Dzyubyk, Roman Palash, А. Sakovets
pp. 94-102
Optymizatsiia tekhnolohii naplavlennia znosostiikykh shariv na ploski elementy konstruktsii [Optimization of technology of surfacing wear-resistant layers on flat structural elements]
Andrii Dzyubyk, Andriy Voytovych, Liudmyla Dzyubyk
pp. 103-107
Analiz rezultativ imitatsiinoho modeliuvannia shchodo vplyvu temperaturnykh chynnykiv na stan poverkhon v protsesi yikh formoutvorennia [Analysis of simulation results the effect of temperature factors on the condition of the surfaces in forming process]
Vadym Stupnytskyy, Yaroslav Dolynjak
pp. 108-117
Bahatokryterialna optymizatsiia funktsionalno-oriientovanoho tekhnolohichnoho protsesu mekhanichnoho obroblennia zahartovanykh poverkh[Multi-objective optimization of functionally-oriented technological process of machining hardened surfaces of the molds]
Vadym Stupnytskyy
pp. 118-127
Syntez kulachkovoho pryvodnoho mekhanizmu rolykovoi formuvalnoi ustanovky z optymalnym rezhymom rukhu za pryskorenniam chetverto[Synthesis of the cam drive mechanism of the roller molding construction with optimum mode by acceleration of the fourth order]
Vyacheslav Loveykin , Kostyantyn Pochka
pp. 77-83
Alhorytmichni ta skhemotekhnichni zasoby opratsiuvannia syhnaliv impulsnoho pervynnoho peretvoriuvacha za otsinkamy informatsiinoi entropii [Algorithmic and signal processing circuit means of pulse primary converter estimated information entropy]
Iryna Manulyak , Sergiy Melnуchuk
pp. 128-136
Lvivska politekhnika i prykladna mekhanika. Istoriia i sohodennia [Lviv Polytechnic National University and Applied Mechanics]
Іhor Kuzio
pp. 3-8