Rozrakhunok nadzemnoi dilnytsi mahistralnoho truboprovodu na stiikist [Stability calculation for aboveground stations of pipeline]

: pp. 45-53
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The mathematical model of stress-strain state aboveground station of pipeline is investigated with taking into consideration interaction aboveground part of pipeline with adjacent to it parts of under­ground pipeline. The underground parts of pipeline which leaning on the soil are considered as elastic Winkler type basis. Local we­akening station of pipe­line in connections areas under­ground part of pipe­line with aboveground part are simu­lated by the in­troduction elastic joints into a system. Using the matrix method of initial parameters the impact of tem­perature changes on the stability of abovegro­und station pi­peline is studied

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