Analysis of boundary conditions of efficiency for immitance measuring transducers based on operational amplifiers

: pp. 115-120
Lviv Politecnic National University
Opole University of Technology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Information-Measurement Technologies
Lviv Politecnic National University

Development of specialized portable measurement tools for impedance spectroscopy is quite challenging and up-to-date technical task. Portable impedance analyzers are required to satisfy certain criteria among which the most important are the following: stability of metrological characteristics of measurement channel over a wide frequency range, high dynamics, fast frequency sweep and the probe signal with appropriate step as well as high resolution of impedance/admittance measurement results. Autobalancing circuits are widely used in impedance analyzers design. However, their applications is followed by some problems related to operation stability caused by global feedback loop. The aim of the paper is to study the stability of the active measurements converter based on autobalancing circuits as well as determining their operation limits. The article shows the place and role of active measuring converters immitance-voltage in the structure of the frequency analyzer. Formal models of active converters were used to analyses operational limits related to system stability. The main results of research can be summarized as following: – To determine operating frequency range of the autobalancing circuit can successfully convert impedance to voltage, following rule have been formulated. The upper limit of the frequency range should be taken at least ten times smaller than operational amplifier bandwidth. The lower limit is formally unlimited. – Circuit operational limits related to system stability depends on relation of operational amplifier bandwidth to closedloop knee frequency as well as relation of closed-loop knee frequency to operational circuit time constant (product of reference resistor to input capacitance). – The system is considered to be operating at normal conditions if relation of operational amplifier output resistance to reference resistance is equal or smaller then one. If the ratio excides this threshold, then measurement circuit will lose amplification properties at high frequency.


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