The analysis determining the angle error on the target system artillery sound intelligence. Studied computational complexity of the formula for determining the distance between the sound receivers. The basic source of error in determining the direction angle to the target. Showing error components depending determine the angle to the target. Sound is a type of artillery reconnaissance and combat support artillery units [1], which uses acoustic stereo to determine the direction to the target. Means sound intelligence forces Ukraine is sound-metric-type filling station AKZ-7. However, their condition technical readiness can not effectively carry out the sound of artillery reconnaissanc. In [4] proposed a distributed sound system of automatic artillery reconnaissance using a plurality of independent sound receivers located on the ground and combined with wireless network using cellular channels. Sound acoustic receivers provide environmental monitoring and the detection of sound of a shot or pass to break the sound server system time and their geographic coordinates. The server system provides data aggregation sound receivers and presenting the results of the system to authorized users. The aim of this work is to investigate the accuracy of measurement of the angle to the target in the implementation of systems based on advanced cellular terminals (smartphones). In [5] analyzed the errors of determining the angle to the target system artillery sound intelligence.Analiz showed that the computational complexity of the formula used to estimate the error of the system is unnecessarily high. Analysis of distance between two geographical points that are scattered over a distance of 3 km (expected maximum allowable distance between the sound receivers, they hear one goal) showed that it corresponds exactly service Google Maps. Function arguments are: the distance between the sound receivers during the fixation of sounds goals sound receivers and the speed of sound in air. Error of these variables will determine the angle error of the target. The dependence on the angle determining the distance between the target sound audio receivers distributed system intelligence based artillery systems provider. It tested a new method of determining the distance by geographical coordinates and compared the results with the service Google Maps. Established that the accuracy of the distance, the new method is not inferior to existing ones. This allows you to determine the distance to within 1 meter. The greatest influence on the resulting error gives a measure of time. Therefore, a further step to improve the determination of the angle of the target is to reduce the error determination time.
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