Acceptance of the correct decision in the agro-production control system to great extent depends on the degree of reliability of environmental information. These issues become quite important while monitoring production which involves the products cultivation on environmentally friendly soils. Monitoring of soil parameters includes the primary state, recording of changes, their evaluation and management. Important challenge for nowadays Ukraine seems to be ensuring the sustainable development of regions and stable economic growth through the application of innovative methods of improving economic efficiency mainly in agro-industrial complex. Modernization of measuring systems could be carried out by introducing innovative technologies based on cyber-physical systems.
The aim of current study is to develop the information subsystem for the cyber-physical system control of agricultural production as also the draft verification program for such system. In order to adapt the system general structure to the task of controlling the production of grain crops, it was subdivided into sub-tasks that are: preparation of agricultural lands for sowing; process of production (cultivation); the process of certification of products and so on. For each, the structural elements undergo some modifications, and the unification of the requirements is ensured both at the level of the research object (soil, water, air, etc.) and in relation to the finished product (grain). In order to solve this problem the subsystem is proposed that allows the rapid testing of open soil and responds instantly to changes in its parameters.
To implement proposed technology the particular cyber-physical system software is studied fit for production of grain crops. In the first stage of growing technology, namely, the location of grains in the crop, the user has to indicate the precursor for the crop that is planned for sowing. Next step is to obtain measurement information on humidity and soil temperature. After processing of this information, the program gives the result on whether you can sow this culture. The following stages involve the adoption of decisions on the amount of fertilizer, the readiness of the grain crop to sow, and the calculation of the massive rate of seeding of grain crops. At the final stage, the CPS indicates on how to properly harvest the grain crop, depending on its degree of readiness, by processing the data on the moisture content of the grain and the height of the stem height. Software has several view modes; each of them provided the separate stage of the program, can be implemented in smartphone with Android operating system.
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