: pp. 12-15
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv National Agrarian University

A virtual device  for  assessing  the presence of heavy metals  in vegetables  is developed within  the LabVIEW systems  engineering  software.  The  quality  of  vegetable  juice  with  heavy  metals  contamination  is  studied  in  the  immitance-measuring way. Device  consists of  the  capacitive  transducer  (a  conductivity  cell  filled with  investigated  fluid – vegetable  juice with various additives), USB-6009 unit, connected to a computer with the full-speed USB interface. This stand-alone unit equipped with analog inputs and outputs generates the alternating voltage and collects the measured data and measures and computes then integrated  voltages  as  well  as  immitance.  To  generate  the  input  signal,  the  program  uses  the  separate  elements  of  the  Data Acquisition section and the Stop Button loop. 

The studies of active and reactive components of electrical conductivity of carrot juice samples with different content of copper  ions  are  conducted.  The  obtained  results  coincide  with  the  measurement  results  carried  out  with  help  of  RLS-meter. Altering the program code of the created virtual device, we get an opportunity with the high exactness, easiness in implementation and operation to diversify easily the series of immitance measurements for the other vegetable juices.

[1] Yu. Posudіn, Methods of non-destructive assessment of quality and  safety of agricultural and  food products, Kyiv, Ukraine: Arіstei, 2005.  

[2]  Ye.  Pokhodylo, P. Stoliarchuk,  Immitance  quality control,  Lviv,  Ukraine:  Lviv  Polytechnic  Publishing  House, 2012. 

[3]  Ye.  Polіshchuk,  Methods  and  Means  for Measurements  of  Non-Electrical  Values,  Lviv,  Ukraine:  Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2000. 

[4]  H.  Halvorsen,  Data  Acquisition  in  LabVIEW  N-3918  Porsgrunn,  Norway  Telemark  University  College  [On-ine].  Available: