State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”
State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”
State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”, Ukraine
State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Romania

The article establishes the relevance of researching the importance of applied competencies and learning results in the standard of higher education for obtaining the bachelor's degree in the specialty “Information and measurement technolo- gies”. To achieve the goal, the description and requirements of competencies and learning results were analyzed, and an algorithm for group expert assessment of their importance was proposed and substantiated. Based on the assessment, the priority of profes- sional competencies and learning results was established. The most important competencies and learning results that can signifi- cantly influence the quality of education in the specialty are determined. Competences and learning results with the least impact on the quality of education in the specialty have been identified, which may indicate their formal nature. To better balance the system of competencies and learning results, it is necessary to pay special attention to those that have the least influence during the next revision of the standard of higher education for the training of bachelors in the specialty “Information and measurement technolo- gies”. The changes to the description of competencies and learning results proposed by the experts take into account the current trends in the development of the industry, provisions of current legislation, regulatory documents, and established terminology in the field of metrology and information and measurement technologies.

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