Molecular oxygen is a paramagnetic gas with the triplet O2( ) ground state which exhibits just sluggish chemical reactivity in the absence of radical sources. In contrast, the excited metastable singlet oxygen O2( ) is highly reactive; it can oxygenate organic molecules in a wide range of specific reactions which differ from those of the usual triplet oxygen of the air. This makes the singlet oxygen an attractive reagent for new synthesis and even for medical treatments in photodynamic therapy. As an important intermediate O2( ) has attracted great attention of chemists during half-century studies of its reactivity and spectroscopy, but unusual properties of singlet oxygen makes it difficult to unravel all mysterious features. The semiempirical theory of spin-orbit coupling in dioxygen and in collision complexes of O2 with diamagnetic molecules proposed in 1982 year has explained and predicted many photochemical and spectral properties of dioxygen produced by the dye sensitization in solvents. Recent experiments with direct laser excitation of O2 in solvents provide a complete support of the old theory. The present review scrutinizes the whole story of development and experimental verification of this theory.
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