State of the Art in the Production of Charcoal: a Review

: pp. 61 - 73
Lviv Polytechnic National University
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» department of oil, gas and solid fuel processing technology
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”
Carbosur, Calle Mexico F12, Parque Industrial Maquilador Oaxaca 2000, Magdalena Apasco Etla
Nader Group Engineering

The use of charcoal (CC) for various industries was analysed; the modern ideas about the factors influencing the process of obtaining CC were considered. The effect of raw materials nature (wood or agricultural wastes) and their characteristics (size, physical properties, chemical composition), as well as carbonization temperature, heating rate, oxygen level and pressure on the yield and quality of CC was described. The existing technologies for charcoal production were analyzed; they were classified according to the type of heating initiation and temperature maintenance during the carbonization process. The Lambiotte, DPC and Carbonex technologies were considered.

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