It is known that the properties of filled polymeric glue composites to a great extent depend on the nature and surface properties (SP) of fillers. Usually solid oxides are used as fillers. For the first time the possibility of fillers SP modification exposed to the action of penetrating radiation of small doses (D) (≈ 102 Gy) has been shown. The influence of preliminary irradiation (X-rays, gamma) of some mineral powders (SiO2, MgO, TiO2, ZnO, talc, kaolin) on their adsorption, suspension, rheologic properties and behaviour in the presence of some additions has been studied. It has been established that oxides SP dependence on irradiation D in absence,as well in the presence of different additions is described by the curves with extremums. They correspond to Dex of the 102 Gy (104 rads) order.
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