
Control of Thermochemical Transformations of Components of Coal-Based Binders

The possibility of considering coal pitch as a material suitable for research modeling the processes of thermochemical transformations of the plastic mass of coal carbonization and their interaction with the solid carbon phase is analyzed. The possibilities of controlling the properties of coal pitch and blast furnace coke during its production with the help of aprotic acid additives in the presence of a co-catalyst are shown.

Regulation Features of Structure of Linear Block-Copolyurethane Composites of High Wear Resistance

The influence of the main structural parameters (molecular weight and hard blocks content) as well as methods of filling linear block-polyurethanes and their compositions on their strength, deformation, rheological and tribotechnical characteristics has been studied. A complex approach to produce polyurethane compositions of improved wear resistance has been suggested.

The Effect of Poly(vinyl chloride) Modifier and Filler Nature on Properties of Polyester Composites

The paper determines the influence of polymer modifier (poly(vinyl chloride)) and finely dispersed inorganic filler on the elastic-deformation and thermophysical properties of polyester materials. The research discovers the change of deformation modulus, elasticity modulus, high elasticity modulus, surface hardness, Vicat softening point, and technological shrinkage of modified polyester composites filled with calcium carbonate and aluminum oxide

Вплив конструктивних змін одношнекового екструдера на переробку поліпропіленових композитів

Досліджено вплив конструкційних особливостей одношнекового екструдера, а
саме довжини шнека і кількості канавок незмінного перерізу в зоні живлення
екструдера, та кількості і природи наповнювача на продуктивність екструдера під час
переробки композитів на основі поліпропілену, наповненого скловолокном, тальком,
крейдою. Встановлено, що використання екструдерів, які обладнані зоною живлення з
канавками, впливає на процес екструзії загалом, а також змінювати характеристики

Impact of Conducting Polymer Filler on the Dielectric Properties of Nylon 11

The dielectric studies of semi-crystalline Nylon 11 filled with a conducting polymer (PANI) were investigated in a wide range of frequency and temperature by using Impedance Analyzer. The main focus was on the effects of conducting filler content on dielectric properties of Nylon 11. The prominent factors such as dielectric permittivity, loss factor, and loss tangent were studied at high frequency. Two different concentrations (1 % and 5 % w/w) of the conducting filler were used.

Research of polymeric additive influence of organic composition on thermochemical conversion of carbon masses

Influence of polymeric addition is explored on properties of carbon the masses of itself calcinating electrodes in the process of their carbonation. It is exposed that polymeric addition intensifies co-operation of carbon filler with an electrode pitch – connective, that is high-quality represented on descriptions thermographic of laboratory masses. The mechanism of co-operation of components of carbon mass is formulated with a modifier.

Synthesis, properties, functionalisation and applications of carbon nanotube: a state of the art review

The investigation of fullerenes and especially of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has opened a totally new window for the development of polymer matrix composites with novel properties and applications. CNTs, which have a number of unexpected properties, both mechanical and electrical, seem to have huge potential as a filler, i.e. as a reinforcement in nanocomposites. With the discovery of carbon nanotubes, the research efforts have been initially concentrated on the better understanding of their processing conditions, modification, and properties.

Behaviour of some irradiated solid oxides in different media and in the presence of additions

It is known that the properties of filled polymeric glue composites to a great extent depend on the nature and surface properties (SP) of fillers. Usually solid oxides are used as fillers. For the first time the possibility of fillers SP modification exposed to the action of penetrating radiation of small doses (D) (≈ 102 Gy) has been shown. The influence of preliminary irradiation (X-rays, gamma) of some mineral powders (SiO2, MgO, TiO2, ZnO, talc, kaolin) on their adsorption, suspension, rheologic properties and behaviour in the presence of some additions has been studied.

Peculiarities of Filled Porous Hydrogels Production and Properties

The peculiarities of porous hydrogel compositions formed on the basis of copolymers of methacrylic esters and polyvinylpyrrolidone with mineral and organic filler have been investigated. In the composite structure silver particles are obtained via argentum nitrate reduction by tertiary nitrogen of polyvinylpyrrolidone. The effect of filler nature and amount, argentums nitrate amount and structure of polymer-monomer composition on the polymerization rate and properties of composites has been examined.

Ammonia-free, Low-toxic Press-materials with Improved Electroinsulating Properties Based on Modified Novolak Phenol-formaldehyde Resin

The technological and operational properties of press-materials based on novolak composition modified jointly by epoxydianic resin and polyvinylpyrrolidone depending upon filler nature and pressing conditions have been determined. The reactivity of obtained press-powders has been investigated depending upon filler type, as well as curing conditions of composites under which ammonia and formaldehyde are not emitted.