A measuring transducer in the system of technical diagnosis of overhead lines icing in electrical distribution networks

: pp. 17-22
Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Central Ukrainian National Technical University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The existing diagnosis systems of icing on wires of overhead power lines use imperfect diagnosis algorithms and icing sensors. In the paper, the schematic diagram of a measuring icing transducer and structure of its sensor based on uninsulated wires of overhead power lines of А and АС types have been substantiated. The sensor consists of a main electrode in the form of an isolated aluminum strand twisted around the central one and a secondary electrode in the form of an adjacent strand. The resistanse between the electrodes is measured; if the electrodes are isolated, the resistance btewwn them is close to infinity. If there is ice between the electrodes, its resistance is determined by the resistance of the ice. The threshold values of ohmic resistance of the sensor (АС-50 type wire) have been calculated for two types of ice depositions: rime and hoar frost. To ensure a reduced length of the sensor, additional main electrodes are used. It is shown that, by fixed measurement accuracy, the sensor length depends on the number of additional electrodes, central angles between them being equal. Using the proposed measuring transducer in a diagnosis system allows the formation of rime and hoar frost depositions to be forecasted and registered at an early stage, and thus enables to increase the ice melting effectiveness.

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