Ethical Policy of the Journal

Ethical policy of the Journal

"Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering"


The Editors of the journal "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering", published by Lviv Polytechnic National University, are guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when selecting and publishing the papers as well as the valuable experience of authoritative international magazines and publishing houses. "Computational problems of electrical engineering" is a peer-reviewed professional publication, supporting a policy of open access to scientific publications and qualified review of scientific results submitted for publication. The list of reviewers can be found at the bottom of the page.

The editorial policy of the journal "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering" is aimed at observance of ethical norms, accepted by the international scientific community.

The activities of the editorial board in this area are based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics), as well as the valuable experience of authoritative international journals and publishing houses.

An important condition for the adoption of an article to print is the availability of new original scientific results that have never been published anywhere.

If the materials have already been published earlier, the author should provide a bibliographic reference for previous publications and justify the relevance of the publication of the new version, explaining the nature of the addenda and changes made to the last version of the article.

Any controversial issues (financial, academic, personal, etc.) are carefully considered by members of the editorial board. In the event of confirmation of suspicion associated with possible plagiarism or falsification of results, the article is unconditionally rejected.

The magazine allows authors to keep copyright without limitations.

All publishing ethics relationships that arise between the authors and the editorial board of the magazine and not regulated by this document are governed by international generally accepted standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).


The journal implements a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of free flow of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge for the sake of common social progress. The editorial board of the journal "Problems of Electrical Engineering" supports the open access initiative, which contributes to the sustainable development of science. All content of the journal is available in the public domain and is free of charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute (in a way that does not break copyright), print, search or link to the full text of an article in this journal without asking permission from the publisher or author.

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