Instructions to authors


The Editors of the journal "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering", published by Lviv Polytechnic National University, are guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) when selecting and publishing the papers.

You are invited to submit your research paper for possible inclusion in the journal of “COMPUTATIONAL PROBLEMS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ” (CPEE)

The electronic version of the manuscript is to be sent to the е-mail:
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this journal. A paper must present the results of fundamental theoretical and applied research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  1. Electrical Engineering and Power Industry.
  2. Radio-Engineering.
  3. Electronics.
  4. Telecommunications.
  5. Computer Science
  6. Electrical Measurements.

Authors are solely responsible for the content of published materials. Submitted manuscripts are screened for plagiarism with help of a licensed software UniCheck. Please submit a publication originality statement.
Authors from Ukraine are required to submit additionally an Expertise Act and the text of the manuscript in Ukrainian (2 copies).

After review a copy of the review with comments will be sent to the author. A corrected version should be returned to the editor no later than 15 days after receiving the review. Otherwise, the editorial committee may reject the paper or postpone its publication.

In 2013 the journal was included into the List of Professional Publications of Ukraine; that is why all the papers should be structured in accordance with requirements outlined in the Resolution of the Presidium of Higher Attesting Board (HAB) of Ukraine № 7-05/1 «On raising demands to professional publications included in the Lists of HAB of Ukraine" dated of 15.01.03. Furthermore, to ensure a high level of scientific publications and further entry of the journal into Scopus bibliographic database the submitted scientific papers must contain the following mandatory elements:

  • problem definition in general and its correspondence to important scientific or practical tasks;
  • an analysis of recent research and publications where a solution of this problem was commenced and upon which the author relies; the specification of unsolved aspects of the problem which the paper deals with;
  • a formulation of the purposes of the paper (task definition);
  • a presentation of the conducted research with full justification of obtained scientific results;
  • findings from the conducted research and prospects of further research in this area.

The articles must correspond to the journal's profile and be written in English. Authors are kindly requested to provide their ORCID identifiers.
Illustrative material in the text can be either in colour or black and white.
Providing a statement of financing sources is optional.

A closing abstract must be written in Ukrainian. If an author does not have a good command of Ukrainian, the abstract will be translated by the editorial board from English into Ukrainian.
Please pay attention to the structure of a reference that refers to a source in Ukrainian or Russian. Data are given in the following way: authors’ names (transliteration), the translated title of a paper in English, the name of a source (transliteration), publishing data, and the indication of the language the article is written in (in parentheses). The transliteration should be done in compliance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010, № 55 "On Latin transliteration rules of the Ukrainian alphabet"

Please provide a brief describing your acquired education, your affiliation and area of scientific interests as well as your high-quality colour picture.

Papers that do not comply with these requirements will be rejected without review and editing and returned to authors for revision.

We do not charge our authors with any publication fee.

By submitting a manuscript to Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering, all authors agree that all copyrights of all materials included in the submitted manuscript will be exclusively transferred to the publisher (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine) once the manuscript is accepted.

Once the paper is published, the copyright will be released by the publisher under the “Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License”, enabling the unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction of the published article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Authors’ Responsibilities

  1. The authors should ensure that they have written the original papers, and if the results or words of other authors are used, it is duly presented as references or citations in quotation marks. The papers shall be checked for plagiarism by the editorial board.
  2. Submission of the same paper in more than one journal is considered as unethical behaviour and is unacceptable.
  3. Only those who have made a contribution to the obtained results presented in the paper can be authors of the paper. The author who corresponds with the editorial board must ensure that all co-authors have read and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its publication.
  4. Authors are obliged to participate in peer review process.
  5. The data in the paper should be represented without mistakes. The paper must be well structured, contain enough references and be prepared according to the requirements. The financial support for obtaining the research results presented in the paper should be indicated in the acknowledgements.
  6. Unfair or deliberately inaccurate statements in the paper constitute unethical conduct and are inadmissible.
  7. The authors should disclose any conflicts of interest and publish corrections if conflicts of interest have been identified after publication.
  8. It is obligatory for the authors to improve the paper according to the comments of the reviewers or the editorial board. In the event of disagreement with the reviewer’s comments, the authors submit to the editorial board their substantiated response to the reviewer’s comments.
  9. The authors have the opportunity to respond to the criticism of their papers.
  10. The authors of the papers bear full responsibility for the content of the papers and for the very fact of their publication. The editorial board should not be responsible for any damages to the authors or third parties caused by the publication of the papers. The editorial board has the right to remove a paper if it is found out that in the course of publishing the paper, someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics have been violated. The editorial board should inform the author of the fact of removal of the paper.
  11. The author shall have no right to reprint the paper in other editions without the consent of the editorial board. If someone borrows material from the paper, then they should make a reference to this paper.
  12. The space in the journal is limited, so the authors are required to use it wisely and economically.
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