Methodology for Developing an Automated Adaptive System for Measuring Fluid Volume based on Gas Meter

: pp. 153 – 160
Received: October 21, 2024
Revised: December 07, 2024
Accepted: December 14, 2024

F. Matiko, O. Pistun. Methodology for developing an automated adaptive system for measuring fluid volume based on gas meter. Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 2024, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 153 – 160.

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The paper analyses the dependencies for estimating the uncertainty of the gas volume under base conditions measured with application of an automated system based on a gas meter and volume corrector. The authors propose using the absolute uncertainty of the gas volume for a certain time period as an indicator of the measurement system's accuracy. In order to calculate this uncertainty the dependencies of the gas meter error on the gas flow rate through the meter have been developed based on the statistical processing of the results of the metrological verification of gas meters for industrial rotary and turbine gas meters. Correcting the measured gas volume under operating conditions, with taking into account the unexcluded systematic error calculated according to the developed dependencies, will ensure the adaptation of the measuring system to the application conditions and the flow rate changes in the measuring pipeline. A methodology for development of automated adaptive systems for measuring the gas volume has been created on the basis of the adaptive algorithm for correcting the measured gas volume under operating conditions, the analytical dependencies for calculating the absolute uncertainty of the measured gas volume under base conditions during a certain time period, and the analytical dependencies for monitoring the variation of the main error of the gas meter.

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