Geodynamic conditions of formation of the Marmarosh crystalline massif in Eastern Carpathians

: 71-74
Received: April 18, 2011
DP “Naukanaftohaz”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
I.Franko Lviv National University

Crystalline rocks of the Marmarosh massif of the Eastern Carpathians, taking into account based on the plate tectonics theory analysis of their characteristics and tectonic setting and the constructed cross-section of the local gravity anomalies, have been formed by the metamorphic rocks of Ryphean, Vendian, Cambrian and late Paleozoic as well as by the Meso-Cainozoic rocks in the south-eastern passive margin of the European plate. But later in conditions of collision and gently sloping subduction of substrate during the Cretaceous-Paleogene these rocks have been shifted from their substrate and became a part of Marmarosh nappes of the Eastern Carpathians.

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