Purpose. A primary purpose hired is research of lithologic features of sedimentary complex of Eocene age of the Karkinite-Northern Crimea sedimentary-rock basin. Methodology. Methodology includes lithology-facial, litmologic and sediment-cyclists analyses. Results. As a result of undertaken complex studies the regional lithofacial zonality of the Eocene deposits of the Karkinite-Northern Crimea sedimentary-rock basin is set. It is set that formations of carbonate lithofacies prevail in east and south-east, terrigenous - in western and north-western parts of region. In Eocene strata 10 litmites types are distinguished from a carbonate, terrigenous and terrigenous- carbonate lithologic series. Litmites of regional and subregional distribution is distinguished, in particular, basal clay and carbonate of lower part of the section, that represent the certain Eocene sedimentation events, which enveloped greater part of the basin. The structural-facies districts with prevailing of certain litmites type are localized. Features of transgressive-regressive cyclists of Eocene deposits are found out. It is distinguished to 13-15 cyclitis of pro-and regressive nature, that correlate with the well-known graphic arts of changes of sea level in an Eocene. It is shown that most distinctly it shows up within the limits of axial part and north gentle side of Karkinite-Northern Crimea depression, specifying on the decision role of eustatic changes in forming of sedimentation cyclists. However, on the south side of depression as a result of more active tectonic mode there is sharp reduction of amount of such cyclists. Originality. Lateral heterogeneity of lithofacies development is first set; litmites of different composition is typified, that are characterized of regional and subregional development; the separate structure-facial areas with the different paleogeography situation of sedimentation are localized; the features of transgressive-regressive cyclists of Eocene sedimentations are found out; the body of small cyclists structure is distinguished - as a result of action of contour flows. Practical significance. Distinguished litmites and cyclists are lithologic basis for realization of seismostratigraphic correlations and prognosis of spatially-time distributions of oil-gas prospect objects.
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