Calculation of Earth's magnetic field component is a very important task, which allows you to extract additional information from existing on the present moment the experimental magnetic data. In connection with complexity measurement power and angular components of the geomagnetic field experimental data available in limited quantities. In particular, for the territory of Ukraine for the epoch 2010 there are 67 points of the secular variation, which are usually located in areas with quiet geomagnetic field. Therefore it is very important to spatio-temporal interpolation of the data on areas of the complex nature of the geomagnetic field through the development of three-dimensional models of the crust and the calculation of these anomalous magnetic field vector. Object. The object of this work is to develop an algorithm and calculation of power ( Bx , By, Bz) and angular (D, J) components of the Earth’s magnetic field induction B scalar. Methodology. The internal Earth’s magnetic field is the vector sum of the nucleus field (main magnetic field) B0 and anomalous magnetic field ΔBa. Normal components of the Earth’s magnetic field B0, B0x, B0y, B0z are calculated according to the observatory, ground and satellite observations data at a certain age. For the anomalous magnetic field only the anomalies induction ΔBa module data is available. To calculate the components of the field for the studied area the field of Odessa anomaly 3D model was taken as a basis (considering the difficulty kind of anomaly field). All the components of B induction are calculated by usage of the above data, and program- developed algorithmic complex. Results. The power and angular components of the Earth's magnetic field induction module in the Odessa RMA and their dynamics in '62 (1950 -2012) are calculated. Scientific innovation. The algorithm and program-algorithmic software for the power and angular components calculating is firstly introduced; values of the Odessa anomaly components are received. Practical importance. The developed technique allows to calculate the full value of the Earth’s magnetic field induction components, their per time dynamics, and to view the contribution of crust sources in quantity of the observed magnetic field components.
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