Purpose. The actual problem is the proposal of original methods for differentiated determination of the coefficient of displacement of produced water industrial waste depending on the filtration characteristics of the reservoir rocks. Today no reasoned differentiated methodology of determination of the coefficient of displacement of produced water depending on filtration properties of reservoir rocks, which is a significant drawback. Available methods currently are, or extremely cumbersome and time-consuming or not adapted for saturated reservoirs, where hydrodynamic substitution of produced water by industrial effluents. Methodology. In recent years, for modeling of hydrodynamic activity uploaded industrial effluents in the absorbing horizons, offer to take into account the displacement coefficient of produced water. Although the question remains unclear as to which of pore volume, total or effective, it is calculated. We proposed copilareasca of research that allows for prepared accordingly samples of rocks saturated with formation water, to simulate the process of displacement of produced water by centrifugation. The research results allow to determine the numerical value of the coefficient of displacement of water reservoir relative to the total pore volume and proportion in reservoirs of various types of water - free, film and residual.Results. In the research revealed that the values of the coefficient of displacement of produced water depend on the filtration characteristics of the rocks, the coefficient for water saturation and capillary pressure. Originality. Proposed technological scheme differentiated approach to the determination of the coefficient of hydrodynamic substitution of formation waters by industrial effluents, which give more possibilities to model the hydrodynamic activity of such wastes in absorbing layer. The practical significance. Practical application of the values of the coefficient of displacement of formation water at oil and gas hydrogeology will more accurately assess and model the hydrodynamic processes that occur after the injection of industrial wastewater in absorbing layers and more likely to help assess the volumes of wastewater that it should be buried.
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