Researches of length of the zone of Teisseyre-Tornkquist on the territory of the Western Ukraine

: pp. 34-42
Received: March 28, 2014
DP “Naukanaftohaz”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
IHHHK NAS of Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of researches - to track traces of a zone of Teysseyre - Tornkvista (zone TT) in the territory of the western oil-and-gas region of Ukraine. Reasonable trace of the zone of Teysseyre-Tornkvista has important scientific and practical value. However still there are no unambiguous treatments of its situation in the territory of the West of Ukraine. The majority of researchers continue it from the territory of Poland rejecting to the southwest a little, and hiding under the Carpathians later. Width of this zone isn't established. In some researchers it is traced as one dislocation, in others, as a zone with several dislocations. Methodology. Different complex analysis of researches.  The crystal base is opened by a number of wells on Volyno - Podolsk monocline and in the Lvov Paleozoic deflection. In places where there are no data on age of the crystal base according to drilling of wells, it is possible to determine the provision of border of platforms by a number of signs which are characteristic for zones of tectonic activation. It is necessary to refer tectonic character of a sedimentary cover, intensity of rocks to them, locations of anomalies of thermal streams of epicentres of earthquakes and sources of mineral waters which are connected with a deep origin. The analysis of materials of seismoprospecting and drilling operations of the last years is made allowed to obtain new data on a tectonics of region . First of all, it concerns the tectonic characteristic of the revealed structures. Results. The extent of the zone TT and its approximate width are established. Originality. More exact borders of zone TT are offered on the basis of determining the age of the consolidated basement by the drilling data, tectonics factors, rock cracking, the thermal anomalies sites, epicenters of small earthquakes and mineral springs. The modern understanding of the concepts “the old” and “the young” platforms is presented. Practical significance. Results of the work can be used for more exact carrying out the geologist - prospecting works on oil and gas. Also special attention should be paid by searches of shale gas as in the zone of Teysseyre-Tornkvista earthquakes of small amplitude are possible.

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