The solutions of the Earth rotation parameters, which include velocity and acceleration of polar motion and r=(UTIR-UTC) with 5-day arcs solutions from the analysis of the satellite laser range (SLR) data to LAGEOS during the MERIT Campaign has been compared with the combained solution of ВІН. The RMS of the differences between these solutions, Δẋp, Δẏp. Δṫ and Δẍp. Δÿp, Δt, are of 0.68 miliarcseconds per day (mas/day), 0.70 mas/day. 0.10 ms/dav and 0.4 mas/(day)2, 0.5 mas/(day)2, 0.08 ms/(day)2, respectively. These solutions of polar motion velocity have been approximated by Furier's series. The amplitudes of wobbles for Chandler and annual periods, ẋp. ẏp are of 3.8 mas, 3.1 mas and 1.2 mas. 1.7 mas, respectively The polar motion velocity from the analysis of SLR data to LAGEOS can he detected.
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