Purpose. Evidently demonstrating of the geological processes and conditions and briefly justify the selection of monitoring, influencing the development of the salt karst and identify the main directions of their research. Methodology. The main methods used in the preparation and conduct of this study are: – analysis of archive datas, field methods, cooperation with local government and regional offices of the Ministry of Emergency Situations; – quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, their classification, creation of appropriate GIS databases in Excel and Mapinfo environment, comparison, correlation and multidimensional scaling of the results and others; – verification of results, allowing us to check the received information , to their final analysis. Verification, logical and methodological procedure for establishing the truth of the data on the basis of their consistency with empirical data and actual mostly been tested on a computer in the environment "MapInfo" method of multilayer overlay mapping of statistical and analytical information diverse factual material in two-dimensional and three-dimensional image. Results. Is represented overview and have systematized conditions and factors that shape and promote the revitalization technologically conditioned salt karst; proposed the basic components of the monitoring system of salt karst areas activation. Originality. On example of Precarpathians salt provinces gathered together and systematized all the major enviromental factors that have a direct impact on the development of salt karst processes, including negative. Practical significance. Assembled together all known and little-known until now facts that have impacts on the development of the salt karst help us in the planning and execution of the geotechnical surveys, development of various kinds of environmental activities economic or planning activities in areas where the potential or already are developed the salt karst. This will fix unwanted activation displays of geological or technological processes during their origin, or predict they occur at the design stage companies. And also, in time to shape events which aimed at localization of dangers and prevent them progressing to negative development.
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