Estimation of hazards of the surface deformations of rocks within Stebnyk potassium salt deposit area by method ENPEMF
Received: October 21, 2016
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Ivano- Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to substantiate of expediency of application of the method of the Earth's natural pulse electromagnetic field (ENPEMF) to assess the hazard of surface deformation of rocks as a result of exploitation of Stebnyk deposits of potassium salts. Methods. The geophysical survey used a method ENPEMF for areas within the mining allotment of Stebnyk deposits of potassium salts (Lviv region, Ukraine). As a result of deformations, that occur at development the deposit by creating artificial cavities and the development of salt karst, the rocks are not in stable condition, causing an electric discharge and related electromagnetic field variations. Results. Maps of natural radiation intensity pulsed the electromagnetic field of the Earth for the study areas of Stebnyk deposits for potassium salts by three antennas directed by axes X (horizontal component north - south), Y (horizontal component east - west), Z (vertical component), and for full vector field were produced. The correlation between  values of the full vector ENPEMF with actual values of Earth's surface subsidence over the period 2000-2014 for one profile was investigated using statistical methods. Statistical evaluations investigated the correlation value vector complete with actual settling values of the Earth's surface for the period 2000-2014 for the profile. The objects of the research are sections of the Lviv-Truskavets road (Lviv region, Ukraine) within Stebnyk Potassium Salt Deposit Area. Road deformations are related to the presence of extractive chambers under the road. Deformation forms on a roadway (cracks, pin, waves) are shown by anomalies of the intensities of the impulsive electromagnetic field, the presence of whose indicates the deflected mode condition of rocks and the possibility (probability) of further subsidence of the Earth’s surface within the contour of the identified anomalies. Originality. One example of originality of research is in the zone of the Lviv - Truskavets road, within the Stebnyk deposits of potassium salts. The system of knowledge about the effectiveness of the method ENPEMF through the justification and the demonstration of the connection between parameters ENPEMF with deformations of rocks and movements of the Earth's surface, which are reflected in deformations of the highway roadbed, received further development. Cracks and waves on the roadway qualitatively correspond to a change in the intensity of anomalies and electromagnetic fields, which not only reflected deformation but also indicate the limits of their distribution area as a result of the stress-strain state of the rocks. Cracks, (wave) on the roadway efficiently meet the changing intensity anomalies and electromagnetic fields, which not only reflected deformation, but also indicate the limits of their distribution area as a result of deflected mode condition of rocks.  The practical significance. According to the results presented in the research the zonation was performed within a level of hazardous subsidence in the rocks for zone of  Lviv - Truskavets road within Stebnyk deposits of potassium salts. In accordance with distribution of the rationed values of intensity of the electromagnetic field certain levels of hazard of rocks deformations are offered. The presence of a mosaic of low, medium, high and extreme levels of danger deformation of rocks consistent with deformation zones roadway, shows the complex spatial structural deformation of rocks on a stage of active phase of subsidence. The latter leads to make the managerial decision about the transfer of a highway or a permanent repair in accordance with the development of deformation processes.

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