The complex approaches tо search of credible precursors of earthquakes in Vranchea mountains area

Main Center for Special Control NSMC SSA of Ukraine
Main centre of special control
Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The generalized working model of preparation of earthquake, which it is possible to adapt for the search of precursors of earthquakes in the district of mountains of Vranchea with the use of hardwares of set in the Autonomous observation post “Kamenets-Podol'sky” of the Main center of the special control, is offered in this work. The fact of co-operation and synchronization of the geophysical fields is model basis at preparation of earthquake. A model takes into account also possible triggers effects from the waves, magnetic boraxes and meteorological factors. Composition of complex of hardwares of the geophysical monitoring is offered for registration of possible precursors effects and method of the measuring data got by these facilities processing.

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