Study of recent movements of the earth crust by the data of the underground deformation stations

Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The character of a geodetic method of study of recent movements of the rocks and method of local measurements are compared. The network of underground deformation stations in Carpathians is considered. The results of station observations and the results of the long-term geodetic measurements which have been carried out in Austria-Hungary are compared. The structure of fields of deformations in western part of the East Carpathians on these data and data of two stations «Muzhievo» and «Beregovo» coincide. The main axes of a field of the deformations have latitude and meridian directions. There is an intensive compression in the latitude azimuth. In east part of the east Carpathians on border with Vigorlat-Guta volcanic ridge the station «Korolevo» registers intensive expansion of the surface in latitude direction. The data of geological and geophysical researches confirm objectivity of the received results.

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