Results of component measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field at repeat stations of the Ukrainian network during 2005-2010

: pp. 219 - 221
Received: August 01, 2013
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukrainian State Geological Institute
Lviv Polytechnic National University; Carpathian branch of S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian branch of Subbotin Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

The results of the component measurements of geomagnetic field at repeat stations of the new Ukrainian network during 2005-2010 are presented. For the first time, maps of the secular variations of all components of the Earth’s magnetic field (D, I, X, Y, Z, H, T) have been compiled for the territory of Ukraine, along with the catalogue of their values for the epoch of 2010.5. Magnetic declination D has been mapped within the territory of Ukraine for the epoch of 2010.5, the maps useful in navigation and cartography.

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