The project of European Space Agency and a recent achievement in satellite geodesy, the GOCE satellite mission (Gravity of Field and Steady-State of Ocean Circulation Explorer) exploits a method of satellite gradientometry. Gravitational field of the Earth is usually represented as a finite series of spherical harmonic functions, the model containing a finite number of coefficients, Cnm, Snm. The coefficients Cnm, Snm are derived in our work, based on the second method of Neumann and the Gauss-Legandre quadrature decomposition.
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2. GOCE. Level 2. Product Data Handbook
3. Lundberg J.B., Schutz B.E. (1988) Recursion for¬mulas for Legendre functions for use with non¬singular geopotential models // J. Guidance Con¬trol Dyn. 11(1), - P. 31-38.
4. Гофман-Велленгоф Б., Мориц Г. Физическая гео¬дезия. - М.:, МииГАиК, - 2007. - С. 285-286