On using the time domain electromagnetic sounding for determination of lithological boundaries in the presence of highly mineralized subsurface waters

: pp. 311 - 313
Received: August 01, 2013
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Scientific and research institute of gallurgy, SE

Purpose. The aim of research is to analyze the possibilities of the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) in the near field zone  provided  pollution of geological media by highly mineralized waters takes place. Particular attention is paid to the distinguishing of lithological boundaries according to  elecrical resistivity of layers. Methodology. The investigations were carried out  in two stages: the first stage implies TEM surveys,  the transformation of the field  observation data into the parameters of the medium and the construction of geoelectric sections and  maps of  conductivity spacial distribution. At the second stage – the TEM observations  over  parametric wells. Waters of  them are being selected for  chemical analysis for salinity ( concentration  of salts). Comparative analysis of the data of field observations with parametric ones allows to make construction of geological sections distinguishing the  lithological boundaries reliably. Results.  Investigations to have been carried out in the area of pollusion of the geological medium by highly mineralized waters showed that distinguishing of layers according to their lithology depends on  degree of water salinity that they are saturated. If mineralization is above 5.6 g / L the border between lithological boundaries will shift to lower hypsometric levels. When the mineralization exceed  the critical  -  near M> 20 g / L distinguishing of lithology layers in geoelectrical sections  is not possible at all. It  depends on the depth of moisturing (penetration of mineralized waters) of the lower horizon only. Originality. Possibilities of TEM method  for diagnosing of the geological environment in terms of pollution of groundwater by salt wastes are discussed. The results obtained  reflect a strong dependance of  geoelectric parameters (resistance, conductivity) on mineralization of groundwater. The impact of mineralized waters salinity on lithological boundaries determination is considered as well. The practical significance. Electromagnetic methods are widely used in prospecting geophysics. The results to have been obtained represent some aspects of  TEM  electromagnetic method application  in conditions when the geomedium  is  polluted by liquid salt wastes. Beeing combined with those of other methods (geological, hydrogeological, geochemical etc.) it should be used for organizing and making arrangements  to study the dynamics of negative processes, to forecast it and  to warn of hazardous events on time. 

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