Variations of the response functions at “Odesa” and “Iznik” geomagnetic observatories in 2011

: pp. 341 - 343
Received: August 01, 2013
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Інститут загальної енергетики НАН України

Purpose. The purpose of research – the approbation of earthquake prediction method for variations of the magnetovariational response functions that obtained by the geomagnetic observatories data processing. Methodology. The methodology includes the study of the geoelectric region structure through the analysis of the induction vector components and the horizontal magnetic tensor ones that obtained by the seconds-data processing at two geomagnetic observatories ("Odessa" (Ukraine) and "Iznik" (Turkey)) in 2011. As well as the subsequent collation of time-varying response functions with geodynamic events that occurred in a radius of 200 km from the Turkish station. Results. Known cases when the seismic events precursors were detected by the electrical conductivity changes in the earth's crust. And therefore, geomagnetic response functions (induction vector and horizontal tensor) can be used as an earthquake precursor, which carry information both on lithospheric emission and changes in the electrical conductivity. We made the attempt to search the precursors of geodynamic events that occurred in Turkey, by the geomagnetic parameters changes. The induction vectors for a wide range of periods are constructed and analyzed for both observatories. The comparison of the horizontal magnetic field at "Odessa" and "Iznik" observatories was made with using the synchronous processing. It was determined that the magnetic field for Ukrainian station is stronger on average 35% than for Turkish one, so under the "Odessa" observatory we have the increased electrical conductivity of the earth's crust. This fact can be used to explain the predictive changes of the Au and Bu induction vector components at this station. Originality. We made attempt to find a relation between the seismic events (M≥4.5) that occurred in the Marmara region near the "Iznik" observatory, with the changes of the magnetic response functions obtained by the Turkish and Ukrainian geomagnetic observatories data. Practical significance. The research results will provide an opportunity to better explore the geoelectric structures of the studied regions and bring us closer to solving the problem of earthquake prediction.

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